Prevention is better than cure.


how to remain healthy

Get Moving

If you want to feel healthier, more energized, or in a better mood, get moving. Regular exercise can benefit both your physical and mental health in a multitude of ways.

Become a flexitarian

Numerous studies have shown that a plant-based diet is healthiest, but you can still get many of the benefits even if you don't go full-on vegetarian.

Less sugar, More water

It's a good idea to avoid added sugar in whatever you eat, yet soda, sports drinks, and energy drinks may be a bigger source than you realize.

Get enough rest

Sleep is often low on the list in our nonstop society, but it's a must for good health. Chronic sleep deprivation raises the odds for heart disease, diabetes, stroke, obesity, and many other sicknesses.

Tame your stress

Everyone has stress; it's how you react to it that matters. When you often explode in anger, get stomachaches because you're nervous, or have trouble sleeping because you're anxious, it's time to make a change.

wash your hands

It's one of the easiest and most effective ways to avoid catching whatever contagious bugs are going around.


Some statistics

Life Expectancy
Population using safely sanittation
Happiness Index
Mortality Rate (per 1000)
Health Budget
Total Population

consult to our expert doctors

Dr Abhigyan Kumar

Internal Medicine
3 Years Experience Overall

Dr. Suman Kumari

General Physician
5 Years Experience Overall

Dr. Rajiv Ranjan

DM (Rheumatology)
12 Years Experience Overall

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